Wedding planning Guide: Tips and Tricks for Australian couples planning their wedding day.

Wedding planning guide for Melbourne couples.

Wedding planning can be a little bit like a roller coaster, some parts are fun and you feel like you are on a roll and other times it can be draining and confusing. As a wedding photographer I have been to numerous weddings with all kinds of formats: Indoors, outdoors, different religions and traditions, weddings with theme and without, weddings with white dress and weddings with casual outfits. These experiences have helped me to get to know other wedding vendors and also knowledge and experience on a lot of wedding-related businesses and services. Through this guide I am hoping that I will help you to navigate the ins and outs of wedding planning and hopefully make the road less stressful.


Wedding day timeline planning

From the wedding timeline series: The day before your wedding day how to prepare

One of the posts on our wedding timeline series: Ways to prepare the day before your wedding day to be on the best frame of mind for your wedding day.

Wedding day planning: The ceremony and your wedding vows.

A guide to get you started on writing your wedding vows

We have compiled this little guide to get your creative juices flowing and help you to write rad vows for your wedding day.

Wedding day planning: Wedding preparation

How long does it take for a bride to get ready?

This is one of the instalments on our wedding timeline series, with this article we hope that you will get a better idea when you try to put together the timeline of your wedding day.

Wedding day planning: Wedding ceremony

What is the best time of the day to get married?

This is one of the instalments on our wedding timeline series, with this article we hope that you will get a better idea when you try to put together the timeline of your wedding day.



Wedding day planning: The wedding day timeline series

Do’s and don’t of family portraits on your wedding day

As part of our wedding day timeline series here is a compilation of things to consider when considering how much time you should consider having for family portraits on your wedding day.


Wedding day planning: make it your own

Here is a compilation of great ways to own your wedding day

As a photographer I have seen wedding days in different shapes and forms, and by far the most important thing I have learned over time is the importance of owning your wedding day.